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Norwegian version (bokmål) of "The Chocolate Clouds"

Writer: Marc RemusMarc Remus

The Norwegian version (Bokmål) of my latest children's book is out now on Amazon.

Check it out here:

Translator Charlotte Bjarnoll from Bergen, Norway worked with me over the past months on this version. She is a school teacher specializing in the Norwegian language and has translated many things before.

I was lucky to be working with her, and I am very grateful for all the help she has given me. Over the past months, we have discussed what names the characters should have and what would be a good translation for the names of the places I made up. She made fantastic choices and came up with very creative ideas.

Why a Norwegian version?

If you wonder why I am publishing a Norwegian version and not some other language, let me give you a short explanation:

First of all, I love Norway. I have been a few times to the country and I enjoy the stunning landscapes, the friendly people, and the delicious food. Yes, it is horribly expensive and this is why I haven't gone as often as I would have liked, but I feel connected to this country.

And every time I feel a connection with a country, I want to see my books in that language. Even though the population of Norway is so small that most authors don't see it profitable, I don't look at this but just follow my heart. So there will be a few more translations coming. For each language that I will publish, there is a good reason why. However, some languages I have a connection with are not supported by Amazon and so I will have to pass on them. But I can tell you that there will be at least five more translations of the book coming soon.

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